Were the results of the Election of 1860 representative of the deep divisions over slavery? This was the essential question that was presented at the beginning of class. To be able to answer this question we watched a Crash Course video that explained how the issue of slavery caused divisions in the
Fugitive Slave Law, railroads, Republicans,
Bleeding Kansas,
Dred Scott vs. Sanford, and in the opinions of
John Brown. Then, we looked at a map depicting what stated voted for which candidate. For example, t
he people who voted for Lincoln made sense because he was against the expansion of slavery (anti-slavery) and most states that voted for him were Northern States (anti-slavery). They also wanted to keep things how they are and not be caught in the middle. The map helped us learn the answer because it clearly showed that there were deep divisions over slavery and the divisions can explain the results of the Election of 1860. Finally, we made a short video that shows the story of the Election of 1860 through pictures.
Educreations Video Link
Educreations Video Citations
Citations: Dred Scott Decision Image- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dred_Scott_v._Sandford Jefferson Davis Image- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jefferson_Davis Attack on Fort Sumter image- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Battle_of_Fort_Sumter Other images- http://www.civilwarinart.org/exhibits/show/causes/introduction/the- election-of-1860-and-seces
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